Inspiring The Next Generation of Female Athletes & Leaders

Women’s Sports Ambassadors is a gap year program for women athletes between the ages of 18 and 24.


Headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel, WSA gives female athletes the opportunity to develop womens sports in Israel through youth coaching, interning in sports tech, creating womens sports media, and training with local clubs. 

Our Program

Program & Peronal Growth
Women’s Sports Ambassadors visit schools coaching girls, teaching them leadership skills through sports, and inspiring them to continue to play sports.

Women’s Sports Ambassadors attend professional womens sports games with Israeli girls so they can see what they can be. 

Women’s Sports Ambassadors intern in sports tech, and help produce women’s sports media, utilzing these tools to develop womens sports. 


Personal Growth

Our team

Meet Our Dedicated Team: The Driving Force Behind Women’s Sports Ambassadors

Mia Raskin

Co-Founder & Director

Mia’s passion for sports and social impact led to the creation of Women’s Sports Ambassadors. She is dedicated to empowering female athletes and developing the next generation of female athletes and leaders. 

David Lasday


David is passionate about womens sports and the power of sports to inspire and build community. David brings with him over 15 years of experience in Sports Based Youth Development.  

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